Tuesday, March 27, 2012


today we traveled to scottland! we had a 10 hour plan ride to london, and a 3 hour lay over in London. i had a split pea with ham soup that was really good! after that we had a 1 hour flight to Edinburgh. althoug it was more like a a hour and a half because the airplane tow broke. when the plan landed we took a cab to   historic Scotland. it was really cool! they had all kinds of tools and artifacts from all different time periods. two of the most notable of the tools, was a big box like tool that had a door that was probably airtight, when i asked them about it they told me that it was a tool that would speed up plant growth on the specimen inside AKA it could be used in a experiment so that you could see what different aging effects do to a certain type of rock.
the other is a tool that uses radar to see inside rocks without breaking them and destroying them a s a good specimen.

and thats my trip so far.

a line from the Scottish declaration of independence ia 'for, as long as but a hundred of us remain alive, never will we on any conditions be brought under English rule.' which isnt actually true because there are more then a hundred Scottish soldiers, but they are by all means under English rule. I find that rather amusing.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Spencer!! Ethan here. So glad that you made it safe and sound. Gavin built a shrine in your honor today on your desk. Sounds like you are already seeing some great stuff. Say hi to dad and I look forward to your next post!
