Thursday, April 12, 2012


View my trip to the UK in a larger map

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday

Monday we went to a little village, and had breakfast/launch, molly and dad had lasagna, and had a baked potato with cheese and water.
     once we were done eating we drove, down to         and went on a walk, the trail looped around to the town main street and had some tea/beer/hot chocolate, my hot chocolate was good!
at that pub we found out that molly can juggle sugar cubes.

     Tuesday we woke up around 7 and went over to molly and jays, and talked for a while. then we went on a train to Edinburgh, it was a two train trip (a 20 minute one, and a 1 hour ride). when we were there we toke a cab to the house, were dad dropped me off and went to Glasgow.
     after a while i went out to get fish and chips, they where good! when it started to get dark i realised that the lights were all out. so i called my dad and talked to him for a while. then I turned on some big lamps and it was fine. I went to sleep around 11.

     Wednesday dad came back from Glasgow around noon and woke me up, then we went out and  went to go get on a tour bus, and get food-i had Hawaiian pizza and a mango drink. we went to get on the bus-we went on to, but i got of half way because I was tired and needed to blog some.
     after about an hour dad and will came back to the house-dad came with fish and chip and pies for dinner, they were tasty!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

arnside with jolly and thor

sorry for not posting in a while

 on Friday we had planned to take a train to Lancaster, were we had a 30 minute stop before getting on a different train to Arnside were jolly (Jay+mOLLY=jolly) are staying. it was a short walk from the train station to the victory house. we put our bags down and went to the pub. i was aloud inside but i had to be more the 1 meter away from the bar itself. at the pub I met some of jays family. after the pub we toke a hugely long walk 20 feet away to the bakery-which Tim owns, jay ordered three big pizzas for us all (there were six of us) the pizza was SO good.
     the thing i found out about some of jays family is that the go out drinking on Friday night all together, and when i say drinking i mean drinking! so after dinner they went out to the sailors club which has a bar that is open on Fridays. I went home, and went on the computer but there wasn't wasn't wireless Internet so i just played chess, and listening to music.

         on Saturday i woke up around 10 and went over to molly and jay were we were met with a tail wagging welcoming committee or Thor as he is more commonly known. molly wanted to take us to see the mountain cows- they are cows with long hair and big horns. so we walked to Abby's house and got there dog, Merlot (merlow) and toke him on a walk. the cows were kinda cute, they kept on itching themselves with there horns. but they also scared me-probably because i wasn't around them enough.

     on Sunday we woke up and went out to see the tidal bore with molly and jay ( apparently sometimes people ride it in kayaks sometimes.
    we walked back down to Abby's house and saw there chickens-they were smaller chickens who had feathers on there feet and were cute, there was a chicken massacre a few weeks ago were a fox killed like 20 chickens ;-(.
     we couldn't get back the way we had come because the tide had come in and blocked our path, so we walked up and over back to the house, on the way molly saw a store shop thing and so we stopped, and there was a HUGE bunny there. then we started up again and went home.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Xray machine

Xray machine by puppyboyspencer
Xray machine, a photo by puppyboyspencer on Flickr.

This looks into the center of rocks

de fat kitty

de fat kitty by puppyboyspencer
de fat kitty, a photo by puppyboyspencer on Flickr.

This is the fat cat. He is at home and I miss him.

Bits of paint on the effigy

Note the remnants of paint on the effigy. The top edge shows red, the color of the robe, and then the shadows are painted on - that is the part where it gets black. In other places there are bits of gold left.

The nose

514 by puppyboyspencer
514, a photo by puppyboyspencer on Flickr.

I took this picture because it shows the nose.
You can see the shadows of the nostrils. This shows me they put a lot of work into this. It wasn't just a small project.

Old and New

This is a 13th Century Stone Effigy. This is a statue made to mark a grave. They don't know who this person was, but they think it was an Archbishop. They know it was painted because there is still some paint on it.  The paint was covered with whitewash at some point, possibly to make it look less bright and colorful so it would look less important.

The effigy with the projection

505 by puppyboyspencer
505, a photo by puppyboyspencer on Flickr.

This shows the computer projection which shows the statue how it may have looked when it was originally painted.

Computer screen

503 by puppyboyspencer
503, a photo by puppyboyspencer on Flickr.

This shows what will be projected onto the stone effigy

13th Century Stone Efigy

507 by puppyboyspencer
507, a photo by puppyboyspencer on Flickr.

This is a Stone Statue which was made to mark the grave of an important person. They don't know who it was.